love filling up my water bottles for the day
Water is vital for your health. And, as easy as drinking water might seem, it’s not. We, or shall I say I have to be so diligent to make sure to drinking enough water daily.
Drinking water keeps us alert, energized, and gives us the right amount of electrolytes to keep our mojo at bay. But, there’s a few very important things to consider when drinking water: are you getting enough, do you need to add electrolytes (minerals) to your water. Below, I’ll share ideas to increase your electrolytes to pump you up.
Electrolytes protect you from dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, physical wellbeing and mental health. Exercise such as: cardio, weight training, and walking increases circulation, improves electrolyte levels, and gets more nutrition into your cells.
When you’re not drinking enough throughout the day - a.k.a. dehydrated, this can cause headaches, lack of energy, weight gain, lack of detoxification, and joint pain. Avoid sugary drinks, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks as these drinks deplete your electrolytes.
Something To Consider
Have you ever felt bloated or had the feeling of gaining weight from heaviness in your stomach? Water qualities are cool and heavy (Ayurvedic science). It creates more internal heaviness and coolness in our gut. However, when you cook water, the qualities of water are transformed, making water lighter and warming and easier to digest. Cold water will put out the digestive fire (agni - in Ayurvedic terms). Drinking during meal time will also interrupt the flow of digestion.
Cooking water doesn't mean you have to drink it hot. You can let it cool and drink it at any temperature - preferably not ice cold.
You can cook a big pot of water first thing in the morning, let it cool, and drink it at room temperature throughout the day. Anything to make digestion easier, gut happy, and feeling hydrated without the bloat.
Cooking Water Recipe and instructions
Cook your water in the morning
Add enough water to pot so you can boil it throughout the day
Keep the pot uncovered
Turn heat to high and bring to boil
Boil for 10 minutes
Electrolytes - How To Stay Hydrated
Sea Salt and Celtic Salt sprinkled on food or in water - ½ tsp of salt in a glass of water - this will add potassium and sodium = electrolytes (minerals) to your water
Ultima Replenisher is an electrolyte mix and comes in different flavors www.ultimareplenisher.com
Food with the most sodium, magnesium and calcium: celery, cucumber, bell pepper, citrus fruit, watermelon, pineapple, radish, cauliflower, spinach, avocado, grapes
foods high in electrolytes
Erin Casperson - Kripalu School of Ayurveda
Dr. Josh Axe - Ancient Nutrition
National Institute of Health - National Library of Medicine
Genia’s Spoon Me Tip
I start my day with a hot cup of water and graded ginger root. You can squeeze in fresh lemon which makes for a great blood cleanser. I then follow with a large glass of water - all on an empty stomach.
I have tried many creative ways to make sure I’m drinking enough water throughout the day. Anything that encourages water drinking is a win, win.
I have filled up water 6 to 8 bottles on my kitchen counter and aimed to make sure I drink from each bottle by the end of the evening. I use a thermos bottle especially in the heat to keep my water from getting too hot especially in a parked car.
The suggested quota is 6-8 ounces of water daily - ½ your body weight in ounces and if you’re exercising or it’s a hot and sweaty day you’ll need more water and/or hydrating foods (list above).
As a health coach and keeping my personal health in tact I’m very mindful for myself and with others to encourage drinking water with electrolytes, as I know it brings nutrients to every cell, tissue, and organ function.
Peace, Love and Water