Carrot - Ginger Winter Dressing

Carrots - Root Vegetables

Ginger Root - Root Vegetable

Cold weather, social schedules, and commitments can leave us all feeling energy depleted and, therefore, tired if you don’t have the right fuel to feed your body. Have you ever tried driving your car on empty? I have and it’s not fun, it’s actually nerve wracking and damaging to the. car. Our body, too needs to fuel up a few times a day to drive in full gear. I’ve heard many including myself say “no wonder I’m tired - I haven’t eaten all day” - I bet you know what I’m talking about! I just had a conversation with a friend the other day about how exhausted she is at work. The girl eats one. meal a day and who knows what’s on the menu??? We’re now working on a three meal a day plan that’s easy to prep and. will fuel her up. Food is fuel - we eat to live well (that’s the goal, at least) our quality.of our day depends on many factors and the. first step towards a healthy lifestyle are the ingredients on your plate.

This recipe includes many powerful ingredients for a veggie salad and/or a protein dish. The ingredients are specific to the cold months to energize and warm our body. The carrots grow in the ground - a.ka. root vegetable, blanketed under the soil - a metaphor to comfort ourselves with these grounding veggies (blanket anyone - brrr). The ginger is pungent and aromatic and medicinally the spice/herb warms our body, too, helps us digest food, settles an achy stomach, and boosts our immunity. Sounds good and yummy, eh!

In the fall and winter months in order to keep our energy up and immunity strong it’s time to get kitchen smart and adapt our diets with easily digestible, warming, and nurturing foods. YES!!!

Mise En Place A La Genia


2 small or 1 big carrot - 1 cup shredded
3 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp peeled ginger root - chopped
2 tbsp umeboshi plum vinegar or AVC - apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp lemon juice - 1/2 lemon
1 garlic clove
1 tbsp soy sauce - my fave is Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
2 tsp honey optional

Genia’s Spoon Me Tips: We can get sluggish at this time of year - the lighter and tastier the foods the more energy we get especially at this time of year as we splurge during the holiday and vacation season.

A one day detox or a week of a clean eating protocol is the way to go to recover after a weekend of indulging or holiday feast. Please reach out for my guidance. - ‘work with me’

Stay Warm - Be Light - Feel Energized,
Love, Genia


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