Detox - Remove - Eliminate - Restore Your Body Mind and Soul


Functional Medicine Detox - 7-14-21 days to a new you
Contact me - I’m here to support you -

I am a researcher of truth, skin-care and self-care junkie, knowledge seeker, natural gourmet foodie, yogi, spiritual lover and health and wellness advocate. I am passionate to find what works, what gives us energy, motivates and inspires us and wakes us up to our calling in life.

When I reached the tail end of my Natural Gourmet Cookery School training in NYC Ann Marie Colbin - founder of the school and my mentor at the time gave everyone their final assignment. Write a paper (thesis) about ‘East Meets West’ in natural healing. Being a lover of poetry I decided to write my paper in poem form - almost like a rap before rapping was the thing! I was actually a bit nervous to hand it in because it was off the grid of a traditional ‘paper’. To my surprise I was called out amongst my peers in the middle of class by my teacher as she told the class that I had written my paper in poem form and asked if I would be so kind to read it to the class. She appreciated my style and creativity. She was astonished how I included all the self-care practices, cooking techniques and teachings I remembered and embraced over the course of my training. I even added a sense of comic relief as I included: banning wired bras, brushing our entire body not just the hair on our head, enemas for glowing skin and how it relates to the liver organ, locking up saffron in the teachers room because it was so expensive, modifying recipes with ingredients that we never heard of… It was funny and true. Natural gourmet was more than food - it was an all encompassing foods and lifestyle for healing. It was an honor to be asked to read my lengthy and detailed poem in front of my class although I was so shy - but my classmates cheered me on. Here I was - sharing the deets of all the wonderful things I learned and committed to live by. I did it! Felt great and humbling. Decades later I’m still that girl that lives by every stanza I read in class.. And, I’m loving my non wired bras lol. Ladies get rid of your wired bras - need to keep the lymph system flowing.

We live in a world of toxic overload: environmental toxins like pollution, skin care and cleaning products to emotional toxins from relationships, memories and stress and then there's food toxins. These toxins can wreck havoc on our ‘whole’ body - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. A great way to remove these toxins from our body and life is to do just that - remove them!!! But how?

A Functional Medicine Detox is a well researched and healthy protocol to clean your body house. Yes, your body is a sacred temple. There’s a method to a healthy and therapeutic detox. It goes deep - liver deep! You’ll feel lighter, less stressed, shine from within and inspire yourself to continue on a healthy journey.

Another way to detox is cleaning your home from chemical laden cleaning products. There’s no excuse! Between homemade products and store bought natural products - it’s all doable. There’s plenty of great stuff out there. Be careful though. Read labels carefully! If you don’t know what the ingredient means or you can’t pronounce the ingredient stay away!

Skin care products - our pores are the mouth of our body, our nose is a gateway to enter our body - they drink up and inhale what’s on and around us. Creams, lotions, sprays, etc… Choose wisely!

I love creating and modifying recipes to make them my own and that means for me concocting great dishes to eat, cleaning products to use in my home, oils to inhale and Slather on my body and skin care products I use daily on my face and body.

We all need a mentor to guide us through the shifts in life. If you want to change, grow, and feel amazing you have to be the change - although where do you begin?! That’s when you reach out to someone that can support you in your travels - shall I say Gulliver’s Travels - your personal adventure to a healthier you! I know the feeling when you meet that person that can guide you on your health journey! Makes the whole process easy and enjoyable!

Check out my website and scroll down to programs and services. Love to support you. We all have the power within to feel optimal and live life to it’s fullest.

In great health, gratitude, love and light,

A Functional Medicine Detox allows you to eat the best foods and leave you satiated and feeling awesome. It’s a game changer! Puts your body in a state of ‘autophagy’ (self-eating)- where the body cleans out damaged cells and regenerates new ones - …

A Functional Medicine Detox allows you to eat the best foods and leave you satiated and feeling awesome. It’s a game changer! Puts your body in a state of ‘autophagy’ (self-eating)- where the body cleans out damaged cells and regenerates new ones - healthier cells.


Veganicious Oat and Date Cake


Friday Night - Soul Eating and Gut Happy