Easy-Peasy Black Bean Burger

The most important thing we can do for our bodies at this time of year (and truthfully all year round) is creating a warm and moist climate. Feeling comfortable within creates homeostasis (balance) which allows us to feel nurtured, mobile, and less dehydrated, both inside and out. Yes, our skin shines through when our body is taken care of.

How can we bring warmth and moisture into our body? The answer is by using tasty, good quality, and seasonal spices. Eating soups, drinking herbal teas, and adding healthy fats to every meal is a recipe for a warm and comfortable body. During the colder months, cloves, cinnamon, cumin, and mustard seeds are some spices to add to these dishes. Hot water, even without a teabag, is a great way to lubricate the body as well – something I wrote about recently here!

Food combining is huge when you want to create balance and satisfaction in your meals. Therefore, you should enjoy this burger with salad (steamed or raw), adding a dressing that includes a high quality fat (extra virgin olive oil or flax oil) and seasonings. Below I list some of my favorite salad dressing staples. Balance is key to staying warm and nourished. This burger recipe doesn't call for fat, so whip up a fat dressing!

This recipe was inspired by The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook by Kate O’Donnell, with a dash of Genia’s yummy touches. I have yet another vegan bean burger recipe in my blog – it’s a winner too! However, this recipe is easier to prepare for the no-nonsense cook who wants a homemade high-protein meal in a jiffy.


-2 cups cooked black beans or organic canned beans, washed and drained

-2 handfuls of baby spinach - chopped

-1 cup red peppers, sweet potatoes, or orange squash – roasted then diced

-⅔ cup oat flour – see below on how to make homemade oat flour

-1 tsp salt

-Pinch of cumin (you can add more spices to taste) 


  • Preheat oven to 350°

  • Line baking sheet with parchment paper

  • In large mixing bowl, mash beans well with a fork

  • Add all other ingredients until mixed and a slightly chunky consistency 

  • Form medium sized patties (size optional), and roll them into balls with hands

  • Flatten them down on parchment paper with palms and shape into circles

  • Bake for 10 minutes on each side

  • Makes approximately 16 mini patties or 8 larger patties

  • Homemade oat flour: pulse rolled oats in a blender until finely ground

Genia’s Spoon Me Tips

I personally love this burger with a side salad. My favorite salad dressing condiments are ume vinegar (from pickled plums), Herbamare seasoning, Himalayan salt, freshly ground black pepper, extra virgin olive oil, oregano, and parsley. Have fun using your own spices! Spices and herbs add not just tastes, but medicinal properties as well. Please try to use fresh spices and keep them in dark spaces. After a few months to a year, they lose their vitality.

I highly recommend roasting the red peppers, sweet potatoes, or orange squash in advance so that you're ready to go.

Much love and warmth,



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