Pickled Ginger Root Appetizer
Pickled Ginger Root with Lime and Sprinkle of Salt - appetizer before a meal to stimulate digestive fire
Ginger Root and/or Ginger Powder is considered the universal medicine. in Ayurveda - the science of knowledge and life and sister science of yoga. The two practices of mind, body, spirit and food work well together for a full experience of health and wellness. Ginger is pungent, heating, and invigorating for the digestion and circulation in your body. Modern medicine confirms the benefits of ginger to reduce inflammation, support immunity and maintain good digestion. Ginger Root and Ginger Powder is a staple in my kitchen for cooking dishes and teas. I highly recommend you stock up and enjoy ‘ginger’ daily - grated or sliced.
Recipe: Ginger Salt Lime - appetizer before your meal
Ginger Root - a few thin slices - peeled
Lime - optional
sea salt or pink salt - a sprinkle
Slice ginger into long and thin strips and place in a jar
cover with lime juice or leave out if too acidic and too heating for your body
sprinkle of salt to marinate
place one strip of marinaded ginger on your tongue, chew well and swallow before your meal to juice up your digestive fire
Genia’s Spoon Me Tips:
Serving Pickled Ginger Root is a great digestive aid. The stimulation once you place in your mouth and swallow will fire up your digestion - agni (digestive fire) before a meal so you will feel less toxic and bloated from undigested food in your body. This is great to serve before big holiday meal.
Much Gut Love,