Spring Cleanse

carrot juice - use any glass: fancy or simple - drink up, enjoy and have fun

green juice - go fancy with a mason jar and greens for decor - I also use wine glasses to spice up the experience

“My favorite color is clean - Hit the reset button on your life”

Spring season is known as the time for cleansing and renewal. Spring is the season for a lighter, cleansing diet. This is because the foods what nature provides during these months, just before summer, are all of the lighter varieties. Time to prep our bodies for success!

When we think of Spring cleaning we usually refer to cleaning our homes, decluttering our closets, cleaning out our drawers, kitchen pantries, fridge and freezers, and for some bringing out the Spring bedding - lighter blankets with a more Spring/Summer decor.

Spring cleansing includes more than the external detox. Internal cleanses are a must! Throughout the year, at the start of each season an internal cleanse is so helpful to adjust to the new season. Spring is probably the most beneficial and crucial of all the cleanses of the year. Spring brings new growth and regeneration, a time to refresh our systems. Spring is the time of year to clean and detox the liver organ - according to Chinese medicine and Ayurveda = the science of life and knowledge.

Cleanses are super beneficial for the physical body but it goes deeper. There are also mental and spiritual benefits to cleanse and detox. Many religions experience these cleanses and/or detoxes for body, mind and soul experiences. If you fast throughout the night - which I highly recommend - A.K.A intermittent fasting - you’ll feel so good in the morning. I feel lighter, clearer, and energized on an empty stomach when. I wake up - ready for breakfast. Yom Kipper we fast all day - a time to connect to more spiritual rituals - removing ourselves from food that usually clouds are mind and gut.

- breakfast means to break your fast - a cleaning juice in. the morning will feed your body with easy, nutrition, feeling light, clean and energized
- body becomes more alkaline - we want a balance of alkaline and acid in the body. In winter we naturally eat foods that are more acidic to keep us warm and grounded. Spring is a time to become more alkaline to cool the body for the warmer seasons of Spring and Summer
- cleanses allow us to release ‘old’ thoughts and ‘feelings’ that no longer serve us - moving away from negative behavior patterns to emotional balance!!! book: Molecules of Emotions by neuroscientist and pharmacologist, Dr. Candance Pert (discovered the opiate receptor: endorphins in the brain)
- strengthening immunity - when you strengthen your digestive fire in your gut known as your agni - your immunity strengthens, too, which helps thwart off allergens and sinus infections that accumulate during Spring (trees, grass, pollen…) I used to have hay-fever and noticed that when I ate/eat super clean my sneezing and allergies subsides. I don’t experience Spring allergies anymore. Yay!
- when your digestion is sluggish, elimination can be slow. By cleansing after Winter we create a deep reset by removing toxins we accumulated in our fatty foods throughout Winter. Disease has less of a chance to accumulate with cleansing our physical body because it resets our digestive system and elimination is improved, and toxins are released throughout our body: brain and tissues.

Challenge yourself to a simple and effective cleanse.
FYI - There are deeper, longer and more cleansing detoxes to experience, although, these simple, delicious, easily and digestible drinks to start your day is a great way to bring in the new season

Guidelines - eat breakfast like a queen, lunch like a king and dinner like a pauper

  • drink vegetable juices in the morning for breakfast on an empty stomach for easy digestion, and the first powerfully nutritious drink for your precious body to absorb

  • light lunch: vegetable soup, bone broth, salad, kitchari (Ayurvedic dish - recipe on my site www.geniataub.com)

  • avoid dairy or meat

  • snacks: soup broth or fruit

  • juice in the evening, too - light dinner - you’ll have a sound sleep and wake up energized - you’re gut will rest during the night because it doesn’t have to work so hard to digest. while you’re in bed - your liver organ will thank you

    Veggie Juice Recipe

  • 3 stalks celery, roughly chopped

  • 2 cups sunflower sprouts

  • 1 garlic clove, peeled

  • 1 inch fresh ginger root, unpeeled

  • 1 1/2 cucumbers, cut into chunks

  • 2 cups pea green sprouts (optional added greens)

  • 1 granny smith apple peeled (green apples are lowest on the glycimic index)


  • juice all ingredients in juicer

  • sip right away - juices oxidize quickly loosing their benefits - fresh is best

  • serves 1-2 glasses

    Recipe - sweet, sour and spicy
    8 whole carrots
    1/2 inch fresh ginger root
    1/2 lemon


  • carrots, cut the tips and discard - you can keep the peel - wash well

  • place thinly sliced carrots in the juicer

  • peel and roughly cut the ginger root and place in juicer

  • squeeze in the lemon

  • pour in a cup - you can double the recipe for a two cup serving

    Genia’s Spoon Me Tips:

  • when using a juicer you’ll create a lot of pulp - use for your soil in your backyard to enrich your growth of flowers, grass, veggies and herbs, make a tea/soup and discard the pulp, or discard

  • carrots contain beta carotene - high levels of vitamin A, nourishing the blood. Great for the eyes (rabbits love carrots and have healthy eyes). Carrots will make your juice sweet. Lemons are astringent and great for cleansing the liver organ - Spring awakening! Ginger, too, is cleansing and increases your gastric juices. Ginger and lemon are great for all body types - if you’re feeling. sluggish use less carrots or leave out the carrots and add greens to your juice: spinach and sprouts are very energizing to lift your mojo

  • any questions on cleanses please connect with me. Love talking healthy and healing food

    Much love, and feel awesome as you welcome in the Spring season,


Daikon and Bok Choy Soup


Lentil Crusted and Crispy Tofu