Self-Care Daily Rituals For A Healthy Lifestyle

Teas with simple ingredients can cool and calm your summer. Lots of shares in this blog of amazing self-care tips that are tried and true and based on ancient wisdom.

Self-Care: Deep Breathing everyday calms the nervous system, cools the body, relaxes the mind, opens the sinuses and so much more… Scroll down for some yummy breath practices.

Rose Water to hydrate your skin first thing in the morning, night or all day long. Scroll down for more aromatic skin care info.

Rose Water spritz is part of my morning self-care routine right when I wake up for the day. Scroll down for more spritzy love deets.

Daily habits and practices for a healthy lifestyle is a blueprint for feeling optimal. These are my practices - all taught from ancient wisdom, basic life lessons, healthy and mindful. These self-care rituals are all year round, although, I’m sharing specific inspiration that I myself enjoy in the summer, hot months.

The summer season is a perfect time to slow down. Trust me, we all need it and I’m listening to my own advice, as well. It’s important to create seasonal self-care routines in diet and lifestyle. For me, it’s a nonnegotiable! Good habits rock! Take advantage of chilling out this summer when you can - it’s worth the effort. Better Lifestyle = Better Life! -Genia

I’ll be showcasing 8 self-care rituals and summer yoga practices on my yoga tab and youtube. They are worth reading through and practicing.

Thousands of years ago (over 5000 years) - Ayurveda - Sanskrit word meaning the science of life and yoga’s sister science, and many brilliant doctors and philosophers: Hippocrates, Galen and Maimonides, all taught us about health and healing. We’re still learning and living these teachings that are all about keeping us in sync with nature so we support our body in health. .

I’ve been studying health and wellness for decades. I always wanted to understand how food and life can heal. The trends never intrigue me, and as time moves on I’m seeing more and more health issues, junk food on the shelves, and hidden sugary and chemical ingredients in our foods, skin care and sprays. Wouldn’t it be nice to go back to basics! Eating and living clean is life changing! When we commit to a healthy lifestyle we can maintain and heal. And, if you feel overwhelmed and where to turn, a guide/coach is there to support. you. It takes a village!

Enjoy these daily rituals and summer love. They’re a gift to me and hope for you, too.

1 - Self-Care Summer Tonic Drinks and Teas

Early morning
Wake up and take a few moments to set an intention for your day. Drink tea and water in the early morning, afternoon and evening. Teas are a beautiful start of your day. My daily go to tea is dandelion with ginger but I’m shaking it up this summer.

Try these out: add tea to a cup or mason jar and place outside in the sun. Using the sun to heat your tea and add color, flavor and kissed by the sun rays. Get creative! This idea was inspired by - and let me tell you, they bring a lot of joy and inspiration to me.

Summer staples to keep tea ingredients on hand:
mint, lemon, lime, rose, hibiscus, chamomile, lavender

Sip Warm Water
Plain or add lemon or lime or aloe vera juice. Warm or hot water stimulates your digestion. Cool is cool in the summer but be careful sipping heavy iced drinks - it interrupts the digestive flow and fire within!

1- Coconut Lemonade: supports balanced digestion and electrolytes

  • Juice of one lemon

  • 1 cup water or rose tea

  • 2 tbsp coconut water

  • sprig of peppermint


    Combine ingredients in a large glass and stir to coconut water. Serve at room temperature or slightly chilled. Add a sprig of fresh mint. Add a pitcher of ingredients for a crowd.

2- Apple cleansing Cocktail:

  • 1/2 cup cucumber, peeled - very summer cooling

  • 1 medium sweet apple - tastes sweet and astringent

  • 1 large handful of spinach - tastes bitter

  • 1 large handful of parsley -tastes bitter


    Cut all the ingredients to fit into a juicer. Stir and drink. Add more liquid if too thick.

    3- Peppermint Tea: the menthol in mint is great for digestion

  • 1/2 tsp dried pepermint leaves or 4 tsp for 4 cups

  • 1/2 tsp dried lavender - optional or 4 tsp for 4 cups

  • 1/4 tsp whole fennel seeds - 2 tsp for 4 cups

  • 12-20 oz boiling water -or 60 oz - 7-8 cups in pitcher

  • brown rice syrup or raw honey - optional


    Place peppermint, lavender (optional) and fennel seeds in a tea strainer or tea bag and set in a mug, jar or pitcher. Pour boiling water over top and let steep 5-10 minutes. Remove tea bags or strainer and stir in sweetener (optional). Drink warm or room temperature.

    Genia’s Spoon Me Tips:
    This will be a big staple to serve during the hot summer days. I bring along my ingredients: herbs, veggies, and teas wherever I travel in the summer (all season long).

    Hibiscus and mint tea combination is refreshing, calm and relaxing to drink throughout summer. Hibiscus improves liver function and cools the body. Mint is cooling for the body, as well. Win! Win!
    2- Self-Care Deep Breathing

    These breathing practices really work and can bring you cooling and fun energy. Here’s five practices to calm and cool you down in the summer heat. Beach anyone? Breathwork is a simple way to cool down when you’re out of the air conditioning - conditioners can be drying. I’m in love with ceiling fans. They circulate the air and keep you cool, too.

    Ancient Pranayama - life force energy and control of the breath, and one of the 8 limbs of yoga techniques can help create coolness from inside you body. It’s a treat! I’m excited to showcase these breath exercises during the summer.

    Paying attention to your breath cycles can be a powerful practice. They can relieve stress and calm the nervous system, too.

    Get into a comfortable, safe seat - on a couch, pillow, block, blanket or chair because these breathing techniques might make you feel slightly lightheaded.

    1- Nadi Shodana - Alternate Nostril Breathing

  • it’s calming and I love to practice in the morning, afternoon and before bed. Morning alternate nostril breathing is routine for me.

  • Because you’re breathing through alternate nostrils it brings energy to each side of the brain, which may allow you to feel more balanced in the your body and spirit.

  • How: a) comfortable seat b) take a few cleansing breathing first c) rest your lefthand on your thigh d) rest you right thumb on your right nostril and your pinky and ring finger on your lest nostril e) curl your other two finger into your palm f) plug up your left side of your nose and breathe in through the right nostril g) at the top of your inhale plug your nose and hold your breath h) exhale through only the left nostril and inhale through the left nostril and plug your nose at red top i) exhale through just the right nostril j) this is one full breath cycle and repeat for 5 or 10 cycles or more

    2- SItali Pranayama - is like a cooling beverage drunk through a straw on a hot day

  • as you curl your tongue into your straw (using this as a metaphor) you’ll sip in the oxygen - life force and feel cool and rejuvenated

  • How: a) curl the sides of your tongue to make the shape of a straw or if that’s challenging open your lips slightly so the air comes through your teeth and continue b) breath in through your tongue and feel the air through the through and air enters c) after your inhale than seal your lips and hold for a few seconds up to a minute as you exhale thought your nose

    3- Vritti - fluctuation legs up the wall

  • this is a very calming breath practice you can truly enjoy. It’s my go to for complete relaxation all year. You can do this pose anytime of the day and night - especially as a restorative yoga posture.

  • the fluctuations of the breath are the same length in and out for any point of time - e.g. 4 breaths in and out or different length just keep them equal one the in and out.

  • How: a) lie on your back with your legs facing the wall b) send your legs straight on the wall c) you can rest a blanket under your back for extra comfort. d) rest your hands gently or your chest or torso and close your eyes gently if you feel ok t do so e) begin to breath consciously f) continue for a a few minutes or more g) sometimes can be up with my legs up the wall for 20 minutes h) when you’re done, roll to your side and come up slowly

    4- Lion’s Breath - a winner to cool down quickly and stretch your face

  • this is a great breath exercise that might seem and look bizarre but be brave. It’s worth the funkiness fo the exhalation. As you exhale imagine heat leaving you body.

  • How: a) I like to sit on my knees - or in a down dog during my yoga practice b) on the inhale scrunch up your face, eye, nose and lips c) on your exhale;e stick out your tongue, open your eyes, roll eye up and back and repeat about 3 times

    5- Panting Dog Breath

  • dogs release heat from their bodies by sticking out their tongues. This practice is a Kundalini Yoga Pranayama practice - my first and dear to me practice that did wonders.

  • How: a) sit or stand leaning forward and rest your hands on your knees b) open your mouth and stick out your tongue c) begin to pant and your own pace that cools you d) empasize your exhale. and allow tour inhale. to happen naturally. You’ll feel the cooler air coming in and the heat leaving your body e) continue for a few minutes and swallow when you need to.

    3- Self-Care - Sprits of Rose Water

    Rose water spray is a refreshing way to perk up, cool down, or simply get a spritz of floral scent on your face. It’s so refreshing and a great wake up treat in the morning - literally right when you get up in the morning hydrate with rose water. Your pores will love it! A spritz of rose water all over your face keeps the skin hydrated and nourished - the skin needs to drink, too. You can also spray rose water on your body immediately after a shower or bedtime to feel fresh and ready for the day and night.

    Using rose water in food and drinks (romantic champagne or bubbled wine). Rose water is considered an ancient medical and spiritual practice originating in Iran. Back to basics for skin care!

    Here’s the scoop on rose water mists:

    Sources: Pubmed Central - a medical database of references on life science and biomedical topics.

  • a few spritzes of rose water can help with feeling tired anytime of the day

  • spritz on dry skin in the summer and winter

  • congested? - spray your entire face with eyes (gently close them as you’re spraying), nose, lips, etc… A few small spritzes goes a long way. The Rose oil relaxes trachea muscles, helping you breathe easier and reduce coughs. Use summer and especially in the winter time.

  • anxiety - the scent of rose and fresh sensation can change the way you feel. Rose water mist has powerful relaxing effects on our body. There was a study done in 2016 which can be found on PubMed Central that the scent (aromatherapy) of rose water had a positive effect on people experiencing anxiety - (article: The Effect of Aromatherapy on Anxiety in Patients)

  • depression - spritz rose water on your face when feeling down

  • spritz for a more relaxed sleep - before bedtime spray a few pumps on your pillow, bed, feet or face

  • rose water can be used for men, too. Rose water is gender nutral. Studies and reports can be found on PubMed Central. Article: Rosa Damascena as Holy Ancient Herb with Novel Applications - Journal of Traditional and Complimentary Medicine

  • rose water is full of antioxidants and antibacterial properties

    Genia’s Spoon Me Tips:

    I use my rose water every morning when I wake up for the day. I absolutely love the way it feels and smells. I use a spray bottle (sold in a health-food store) all over my face with my eyes gently closed.

    If you have dry skin or eczema on your body use a wet wrap and place on an area with a spritz of rose water (face, legs, hands, behind knees, etc.)

    Here’s a drink taken from the book Aphrodisiac Foods: Eat You Way to Ecstasy by Craig Dodd and Hilary Johnstone. Take 2-4 drops of rose water and add 5 oz champagne or sparkling wine. Enjoy with your loved one.

    Most health food stores carry a variety of Rose Water mist bottles. I highly recommend you spritz your way to bliss.


    4- Self-Care Tongue Scraping

    5- Self-Care Oil Pulling

    6- Self-Care Nasya Oil

    7- Self-Care Skin Brushing

    8- Self-Care Abhyanga Body Message

    * Self-Care Summer Yoga Practices (on my yoga tab and youtube)


Cozy Fall and Winter Cauliflower Soup


Fennel Green and Herb Salad with Homemade Vinagrette