6 Tastes to Enjoy Your Food in Health and Deliciousness

6 Tastes, Spices, Colors, Deliciousness, Health and Wellness
”Let Food Be Thy Medicine” - Hippocrates

Studying the Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine - both philosophies providing cooked, easy to digest and warming foods to nourish the mind and body.

Ayurveda = life and knowledge - a traditional system of medicine that originated over thousands of years. It is one of the oldest healthcare systems that evolved in India. It deals with various aspects related to heath and wellbeing such as healthy life and longevity. Ayurveda is the sister science to the practice of Yoga.

Traditional Chinese Medicine = evolved over thousands of years ago. TCM Is a complete medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat and prevent illness. TCM is used for pain management, digestive disorders, weight loss, mental disorders, skin heath, and similar to Ayurvedic food principles. TCM is related to Qi-Gong and Dragon’s Way and has been combined with Yoga and Qi-Gong practices. These are practices a part of my morning and evening rituals daily.

Both Ayurveda and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) are ways you can heal your body through food. Enjoying your meals are definitely part of the eating experience. The trick to enjoying your food, reaping the benefits, your experiences and your metabolic effect (converting food into energy) which is your post digestive effects from the food is key. The tastes you include during your meals are supposed to make you feel energized, enjoying your meals and increasing your health. It’s all about balancing your diet.

I’ll explain the most important principals in healthy cooking - the essential and healing 6 TASTES! This is a game changer. Learning the 6 Tastes and incorporating them in your meals might seem overwhelming - trust me - when you read below and begin understand foods and than go grocery shopping for different colors, tastes and varieties - cooking at home and/or eating out will take on ‘a new relationship with food’.

6 TASTES - they all have a different response - a.k.a. converting food into energy


I’ll share some samples of each taste so you can be prepared to have these tastes in your home. You might be aware of these tastes or maybe not. Play around and get creative. Food is medicine!

Sweet: dates, rice, almonds, ghee (clarified butter - a fave of mine). Sweet foods (the healthy ones) are pleasurable and relaxing.

Sour: lemon, fermented food. Sour has a fiery taste, invigorating, gives you clarity, and wakes you and your mind up.

Salty: salt - go for the Himalayan pink salt. Salt pulls moisture out of your mouth and body. Salt is a flavor enhancer in recipes.

Pungent: ginger, onion, horse radish all have sharp, fiery tastes. These tastes are penetrating, stimulating and circulating. Pungent dries out congestion in your body and creates ambition and motivation. My ginger root is a staple in my daily morning teas - getting my mojo pumped up!

Bitter: dandelion - a great plant to clear the mind. One of my favorite morning teas.
Dandelion purifies the blood and skin and your liver organ will thank you. Dark Leafy greens are great bitter tastes as well.

Astringent: pomegranate, persimmon, cabbage, lentils, beans, chickpeas, nutmeg, rosemary are all very dry. They produce drying effects and build immunity.

These are a few samples of foods in the 6 Tastes category. There are so many more. If you are inclined to read more about foods and their tastes (there’s plenty on line). I do want to share a few amazing sources. These are some of my mentors, teachers, and favorite book authors in the food and Ayurveda space.

What to Eat for How You Feel - Divya Alter - Ayurveda master teacher
Joy of Balance - Divya Alter
Idiots Guide to Ayurveda - Sahara Ketabi Rose
Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation - TCM World.com - Wu Ming Qi-Gong

Much love,


Pumpkin Lentil Soup Agni - Digestive Fire


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