Foodspiration Pre and Post a Fast

Connect with the fall season - a time to let go, renew and be creative - enjoy the colors, beginning a new year cleansed and inspired - blessing always, love Genia

The concept of intermittent fasting - is an eating plan that switches between fasting and eating in a regular schedule. Basically, the fast lasts for 12, 14, or 16 hours from the dinner until breakfast the next morning. It’s easier than you think because for most of those hours you’re sleeping. The benefits are astounding, and much research has been studied about giving your gut a chance to recoup and relax during the night (restores the liver organ) - you’ll also have a sound sleep and wake up with more energy - a blog I’ll share another time. But, this post is more about a much longer fast - 25 hours of no eating or drinking (if you can) on the holiest and happiest day of the year.

Different cultures have fasts that they practice, as well, and the goals are all similar. Other religions and cultures have spiritual reasons to abstain from eating and fast to cleanse themselves. We’re all seeking growth and renewal - humans want to evolve constantly!

Yom Kipper is the day of atonement in the Jewish calendar. It offers us a chance to change our fate through three pillars: prayer, repentance and charity. Think about it - through our actions we can change our fate - that’s pretty powerful. These pillars were and have always been my foundation and inspiration. We can connect to higher source - I call G-d everyday of the year, true! The ability to intentionally designate this day specifically to become close to G-d and the essence of our soul is game changing. It’s a day of renewal, forgiveness, and cleansing.

So here’s the reason for this post - on Yom Kipper we abstain from food and drink - my focus as it relates to my Tasty Tuesday. Here’s a list of food - tried and tested pre and post meals for the holiday - both are equally important. We eat a festive meal the day before Yom Kipper and at the ending of the holiday after sundown, the next day.

I’m sharing my pre and post favorites meals. Yes, there will be bagels with spreads after the fast as that is the typical tradition, and most look forward to the bagel, lox and cream cheese. My faves include other yummy, simple foods that are just as delicious and leaves my tummy smiling. In general, go slow and steady after a 25 hour fast - your gut will thank you!

Best Foods To Eat Before Yom Kipper
apple sauce parfait
wild rice or sweet potato or buckwheat (kasha)
chicken soup
baked chicken or fish or chickpeas (for the vegan, vegetarian)
cooked veggies - carrots, broccoli, mushrooms
salad - cucumber, celery, pepper
honey or carrot or banana cake
drink lots of water to keep your hydrated

Post Yom Kipper Fast
warm water or tea or room temperature water (stomach will be happy)
apple sauce
warm bowl of soup or broth - Zucchini Non Dairy Cream Soup - recipe on my site
bagels and spreads

Genia’s Spoon Me Tips:

I recommend serving fruit as an appetizer. I know it’s not the norm as fruit is usually served as a dessert, although it’s healthier to eat fruit before the main course - fruits digest pretty quickly in the gut - you don’t want the fruit to sit there and ferment after a big meal. Pay attention - you’ll experience the difference!

Fiber rich foods helps keep us fuller during a long fast. Rice, sweet potatoes, fruits and veggies will sustain you and regulate your blood pressure and adds electrolytes which you will need during your fast.

I focus on balanced meals - for myself and clients - include protein, carbs (complex), and fats in every meal. Eating balanced goes a long way - satisfying and filling.

Salmon fish is a great choice when deciding on your menu - it’s high in omega 3 fatty acids - the tastiest and healthiest of all fish.

The Fall is about letting go what it doesn’t need.
Begin a new year in joy and deliciousness.
Have faith in what will be.
Forgive yourself and others.

Wishing you a meaningful and easy fast.
With warmth and love,


6 Tastes to Enjoy Your Food in Health and Deliciousness


Carrot Cake