All Seasons Kale Carrot Soup with Ginger, Fennel and Pepitas

Superfoods for a delicious soup

I love sharing how to prepare soups because it is one of the simplest and rewarding types of meals to prepare. Soups are super nutritious with the right ingredients, and this one is pretty much the holy grail of soups!

As you know by now I’m a soup fanatic, and for great reasons. I’m very mindful of my time and that's why I love soups. They are easy to whip up, delicious and non-negotiably loaded with nutrition. Win Win! The washing and chopping takes some patience, although, well worth it - almost like needing my challah dough - feeling present and grounded. It’s a mindset, right?! Music and/or a podcast to listen to is also a great way to get into the zone. No time is wasted in my kitchen!

Soups are thought of as being a fall and winter dish. Well, well, well, there’s a soup for all seasons. This particular soup is actually an immune boosting soup because it includes fresh ginger root, fennel seeds, kale, carrots and pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas. The green kale and orange carrots create a beautiful color and the herbs add the flavor and more medicinal properties with every spoonful.

Winter, spring, summer and fall are great times to enjoy soup. Again, soup is easy and it’s a practical way to eat your kale. I try to bring in the dark leafy veggies whenever I can. I don’t eat them raw, so this soup is perfect! The immune boosting effect of these veggies and herbs go deep. Below are a list of benefits for each main ingredient:

Kale - the most popular green leafy vegetable now a days - and been around for centuries. Kale is a powerful green superfood and a cruciferous vegetable. It’s bitter and great for detoxing the body. The green leaves have K, A, C, calcium, iron, potassium, and a lot of other micronutrients, too. Kale is great for the skin, heart, fights inflammation, has antioxidants, detoxifies body, decreases cancer cell growth (sulfur compounds) and great for the eyes..There are curly and flat kale leaves and both are delish although, the flat kale is easier to work with and chew on, and that’s why I use the curly kale in soups as it dissolves nicely as it’s boiling for easier chew-ability.

Carrots - A, K and highest source of carotenoid phytochemicals and beta-carotene (eye health), stops DNA damage, inflammation and cell mutation.

Ginger Root (Herb or spice) - Ever wonder why ginger-ale is used when someone has a stomach ache? You can make your own by grating ginger and adding your own natural sweetener (I suggest monk or stevia to sweeten your drink). The gingerole in the ginger has potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for thousands of years. Ginger herb (some call it a spice) can be used in your kitchen cooking, helps with digestion, made into a tea or as an essential oil to diffuse (aromatherapy). Ginger also helps with nausea, helps with fungal infections, stomach ulcers, menstrual cramps, and much more. It’s my magical herb I always have in my kitchen and on the road.

This is what fennel looks like - in the celery family and tastes like licorice. The seeds and the entire plant is edible. You can chew the seeds than spit them out after extracting the juices in your mouth.

Fennel (vegetable root or herb) - sweet and stimulates blood flow to the stomach, a remedy for gassiness and indigestion, and soothes digestion. Fennel has a licorice flavor and is aromatic, too - an acquired taste for some people. It boosts bone health, improves skin health, lowers blood pressure, aids digestion before and after a meal, relieves stomach upset - (fennel improves colic babies - a few fennel seeds steeped in water a.ka. fennel water) It strengthens eyes, stimulates breast milk production, and a great mouth freshener. Have you ever seen a bowl of fennel seeds at an Indian restaurant by the cash register? Ever wonder why? These medicinal herbs are ancient and wise!

Pumpkin Seeds - pepitas - complete protein - 21 grams of protein per cup. The seeds are high in fiber so be mindful not to overload on them, even if tempted. They can cause bloating and gas. Soaking the seeds will help them be more digestible - absorbing the nutrition from the seeds - SOAK!!! If the seeds are sprouted they become more digestible so soaking is not necessary.

Pubmed, National Cancer Institute, Dr. Axe, Joyful Belly (Ayurveda), Mark Reinfeld (soup author and restaurant owner in Hawaii and an inspiration to me)

All these goodies are about to be pureed in my blender for a creamy, delicious, nutritious and digestible soup all year round

3 whole carrots
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
1 tbsp fresh ginger root - grated
3 cups kale
3 tbsp lime or lemon juice
1 1/2 tsp salt -
black pepper to taste
1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds - pepitas
2. 1/2 cups water
1/2 avocado
2 tsp tamari or amino acids - adds flavor - optional

  • wash and chop kale in small bites and carrots in circles

  • soak the pumpkin seeds unless they are sprouted

  • grate ginger root

  • place all the ingredients in a blender - I use the vitamix with a heating feature

  • transfer to a bowl or pour in a pot and warm up the soup

  • garnish with a few pumpkin seeds in the center of the bowl

  • If you are making this soup in a pot (no blender) boil until kale is soft - try a piece of kale to make sure it’s soft enough to chew easily for better digestion

    Genia’s Spoon Me Tips:

    Soups are easy to digest especially for digestive tract symptoms. The combination of these vegetables and herbs are medicine in a bowl and looks and tastes exquisite. You can add more salt - my fave is Himalayan pink salt loaded with over 84 minerals or apple cider vinegar for added taste.

    If you have acidic conditions and want to balance your acid/alkaline - PH than this soup is wonderful.

    You can replace the kale for other green leafy veggies: spinach, chard, arugula. I say “go kale crazy”

    Much love and health in a bowl,


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