Crunchy Spring Granola

Homemade Crunchy Granola in Mason Jars - an awesome high vibrational snack

Granola is pretty much a staple in our home and on the go. I sometimes quadruple the recipe because it’s ’gobbled down so quickly, and now that my son has his own pad in NYC the granola travels. The love I put into the process of making granola adds to the. taste. I’ve even shipped my granola across the country. Shout out to my dear sis Liz from Delicious Granola - Ottawa, Ontario who also ships giant packages of her version of granola to my family. Love you girl! You can create your own personalized faves in your own homemade granola, too.

Spring is the season of rebirth, therefore, sharing a new granola recipe seems apropriate for us granola lovers.

I gotta share some health deets in my recipe/blog - what’s a Genia post without sneaking in some empowering practical knowledge. Right?!?! Spring season is a shift in weather conditions. Now’s the time to alleviate excess moisture from the body. Spring is the time to. enjoy foods that are. light, dry, warm., fresh and. stimulating.

Granola is a delicious and wonderful food at this time becase it’s dry, crunchy, and includes a load of nutritious ingredients - a time to cleanse our body and feel spring/summer ready!

Healthy Granola Benefits: (eat, enjoy and in moderation)
* keeps blood pressure at bay
* satiates
* relieves constipation
* antioxidants
vitamins: B,A,,E folate, minerals, protein, fiber
* relieves sinus congestion and other mucous conditions

dry ingredients
2 cups quick rolled oats
2 cups regular rolled oats
1/2 cup hemp seeds
1/3 cup sesame seeds
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds
1.3 cup flax meal
1 tsp cinnamon
optional: pinch of nutmeg, cardamon, ginger powder
0ptional: dried papaya pieces to add after baking itme
wet ingredients
1/3 coconut oil - melt
2/3 cup maple syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • preheat oven to 375 degrees

  • mix dry ingredients in separate bowl

  • mix liquid ingredients in separate bowl

  • add the mixtures together in one of the bowls

  • line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the mixture evenly and press down firmly with the back of a spatula - it’ll create chunky granola bites

  • bake for 20 minutes then mix the granola and pat down again and bake for another 10 minutes

  • let the granola cool on your counter to get crispy and enjoy bite size pieces when cooled

  • add chocolate chips, your fave chocolate, or/and papaya while it’s hot to melt into the granila - you must make sure it cools especially with the chocolate (it’s neater, and trust me it’ll break apart to perfecto) - keep in fridge will help cool faster and maintain its freshness

    Genia’s Spoon Me Tips:
    Check on your granola to make sure it doesn’t over bake, the aim is a crunchy granola, though. Every oven has it’s own personality.

    Allow the canola to settle and cool on the kitchen counter so the ingredients stick together to create bite size pieces - ahhh - the way I like it!

    There’s a science to eating the right foods and textures at different times a year. If you want to feel light and less congested during the warmer months clear up your system with easily digestible, healthy and delicious ingredients and remember to eat in moderation.

    Granola goes great as a: snack, topping for yogurt, cakes, pies, ice-cream and oatmeal.

    Crunchy love from my kitchen!


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Kitchari - Cleansing - Nutritious - Healing