Healing Hot Water

Hot water is a classic treatment for digestion. Drinking hot water clears sinuses, hydrates our digestive system and stimulates our respiratory tract and scrubs the lymphatic system clean from debris - like taking out the garbage. A. Study in 2009 published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology encourages hot water for stomach pain and spasms (especially after a colonoscopy). There’s a darn good reason why we’ve been drinking hot water for thousands of years. And, for better bowel function - drink hot water - gotta eliminate! I can go on and on… Drinking hot water is easy - we’re lucky we have water to drink and a kettle - need I say more!

Ayurveda is the oldest science of life. The ancient practice of Ayurveda and the science behind drinking hot water is documented and effective. Here's some tips on drinking hot water to benefit our health. Pour some hot water in a cup and read on… 

In our western culture we’re bombarded by the new trends claiming to cleanse our body - juices anyone??? The shelfs are loaded with a plethora of drinks to inspire the consumer to purchase the perfect beverage. Seriously, every time I shop at Whole Foods, health food stores and grocery markets there’s new, colorful and creative products - kudos entrepreneurs. The shelves are getting bigger, longer and more expensive. So much t choose from and when you you’re thirsty - oyyyy- I’m a kid in a candy store - looking for quick pick me upper and analyzing each product. As much as I would love to say ‘I found nirvana in a bottle’ - I’m pretty disappointed, though. Who wants to drink kale, collards, charcoal and turmeric wiithout a scoop of sugar. You kind of need the sugar unless you’re a diehard raw drinkamaniac. Love to see company’s add monk fruit? Hmmm, that’s an idea! Ok, moving on… Sorry for the spoil alert! Saved your money, though, and less sugar consumed the better. Your welcome! Hot drinks: coffee, teas, and added creamers and sugars - deep breathe! Sometimes you might find an urn with hot water on a smorgasbord - as I did today! Happy Happy Yay!

How about trying a homey and healing approach to hot. water in a cup and eat your veggies while you’re at it -, or maybe a healthy treat with your hot water/tea - that’s for another blog - stay tuned! If you want to clean up your system, save money, and feel energized - ancient medicinal tradition has you covered. Classic hydration, detox, and rejuvenation therapies are as minimalist as a cup of HOT WATER. Go simple! 

I frequently talk about strengthening the gut - belly happy! Gut health is the way to go as the gut is our core, nucleus, solar powerhouse - and hot water has your back - or shall I say your digestive fire in your stomach and liver -(‘love you dear liver - You work so hard - I’ll take care of you.’). Hot/warm drinks are more powerful than cold drinks. When we drink hot water there’s super duper healing action that happens in your body - the breakdown of nutritients and the removal or toxins occur - ahhh! Bye, bye ama (toxic material in our gut).

Let’s talk ‘ama’ - when toxins are accumilated from undigested food that can cause inflammation, and Interrupt function of your intestinal lining. The ama - toxins can sneak into tissues through your circulatory system - no thank you!!! Drinking hot water supports better circulation and removes cellular ama - toxins. I suggest reading this over and over - takes awhile to sip this information.

So, here’s a few hot water therapies a.k.a.  recipes to get your gut in check and release any toxic waste. They are diy hot drinks or tea made In your very own kitchen. They are easy to make, affordable and naturally healthy. 

Hot Water on the go!

1- Boil water for at least 10 minutes - 10 is the magic number because as it steeps it makes it easier to assimilate into the body. 

2- Winter and spring are perfect seasons to drink hot. The heat balances the coldness, heaviness and congestion. Go hot in the summer too, to support your tissues and increase your digestive fire if you need more support in your digestion. That’s me! A pitta girl! - my dominant constitution that needs tending lucking care. Don’t we all!

3- Adding herbs and spices can help remove seasonal ama - toxins more effectively.

Ayurveda principles can be complicated and detailed so I’m going to simplify and make drinking hot drinks more understandable for us all. 


Dr.  Vasant Lad -  Ayurvedic physician 

Dr. John Douillard  - leader in natural health,  Ayurveda and sports medicine

Maharishi Ayurvedics - art and science of health 

Ayurvedic Nutrition Studies and coaching - Genia Taub

Hot Water, Herbs, Spices and My Fave Teas


1- Hot/warm water in the morning for digestive power and healthy elimination to reduce waste buildup 

Blend lemon with warm water to boost vitamin C and a sprinkled of Himalayan salt add a zippy do da electrolyte

2 - Helps with digestion and cleans ama- toxins 8 oz water 

Add a few slices of ginger root or grate the ginger

Pinch of turmeric powder or slice of turmeric 

A few fennel seeds

Splash of fresh lemon or lime - optional 

3- Looking to clean and detox 

Hot water as is and sip throughout the day

Genia’ Spoon Me Tips: 

Make sure the tea is not scolding hot. Studies suggest hot water is safe under 149 degrees Fahrenheit

Study: warm water helped the esophageal sphincter open more quickly allowing food to be more easily swallowed. Cold water tightens the lower sphincter and makes it more difficult to swallow. I drink hot water, too, before a meal. Family and friends know me by now - my husband orders my hot water in advance when we go out for dinner - how sweet! And it’s free! Win Wn!

Study: hot water compared to cold water for removing mucous from the respiratory tract showed that hot water along with chicken soup were significantly more effective. ‘Chicken Soup’ for the soul! Tradition rocks! Ayurveda has long held that cold water aggravates sinuses and the respiratory tract. 

Study: tests with volunteers drinking hot water provided immediate relief of a runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat, chills. tiredness compared to the volunteers drinking room temperature water that only provided relief of runny nose, cough and sneezing. Hot, warm and warm teas are the way to go! 

Hot and Healthy Love,


Kitchari - Cleansing - Nutritious - Healing


Energizing Spring Dal Lentil Soup