Dark Chocolate Pomegranate Bark

Holiday Bliss Dessert

Chocolate is for lovers! A wonder food that most of us gravitate to as we are always seeking love and romance in our life. Can you relate?

Chocolate is considered an aphrodisiac food since the time of Aztecs. Chocolate is said
to contain a substance that inflames desire and makes the beloved one more open to romance. Hmmm!

Scientists at Drexel University studied the substance and our love for chocolate. Fascinating findings! Check it out on the net.

Trivia: A chocoholic is a person who craves or compulsively consumes chocolate. The word "chocoholic" was first used in 1968, according to Merriam-Webster. It is a portmanteau of "chocolate" and "alcoholic".

pomegranate - high in fiber, vitamin c and anti-oxidants A symbolic food in many cultures

pomegranate - high in fiber, vitamin c and anti-oxidants
A symbolic food in many cultures

In diverse cultural religions the. pomegranate fruit has many symbolic significance. Jewish tradition teaches that pomegranates is a symbol of righteousness, knowledge, and wisdom because it is said to have 613 seeds in the fruit (I’ve started to count but didn’t persevere - anyone out there count those seeds? Please share your number), each seed representing the 613 commandments in the Torah. In Greek and Persian mythology pomegranates are a symbol of life, fertility, beauty and eternal life.

Mise En Place - two ingredients that will wow the crowd

9 oz of chocolate - broken in 1 inch pieces of use chololate chips, chunks or bars
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
optional: add nuts: roasted almonds crushed or walnuts crushed

- line baking sheet with parchment paper
- melt chocolate in a double broiler - so it doesn’t burn and heats slowly
- simmer and stir the chocolate often
- mix pomegranate and nuts (optional) into chocolate
- spread mixture onto the baking sheet evenly with a spatula - you can make this dessert thick or thin. I prefer thin
- refrigerate for 2-3 hours until firm
- have fun with this dessert. Have your guests break off pieces or use a clean hammer or mallet and go chocolate crazy. Pieces do not have to be perfect - it’s all about the experience!
- store in an airtight container once the chocolate is firm for up to 2 weeks or 6 weeks in freezer.
- FYI, take out of fridge right before serving. Room temperature will soften (melt) the chocolate.

Genia’s Spoon Me Tips: To get those gorgeous seeds out of the pomegranate shell cut in half, pull the sides of the skin to loosen and place in bowl. Tap the top of the pomegranate with a big spoon over and over again until the seeds fall out in bowl. Some may remain so pick them out and enjoy eating a few fresh seeds. They’re delish and tart.

If you are serving meat or poultry at your holiday dinner please use DARK chocolate with no dairy - in Jewish Law we do not mix milk and meat.

If you are including crushed nuts - place nuts in bag and smash the nuts with a mallet - take it easy on the nuts - keep the integrity of the nuts, just smash to create pieces and mix into the chocolate with the pomegranates and melted chocolate.

From my heart to yours with chocolate on the table,


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