Ginger Bok Choy

Bok Choy - Whte Chinese Cabbage - Pak Choi

Bok Choy is a cruciferous vegetable (as is kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower). It’s a green leafy vegetable that’s also referred to as Chinese white cabbage or pan choi. It’s the most popular vegetable eaten in China - look at that!

Bok Choy is loaded with nutrition, vitamins and minerals (micronutrients). One cup of shredded bok choy has a laundry list of health goodies including antioxidants which protect our cells from oxidative damage that can lead to inflammation - better known as vitamin C - 35% in one cup! Go crazy - eat your greens!

Ginger Root

And now let’s give credit to Ginger Root - the second most important ingredient in this recipe. It’s my staple! You probably heard me say more often that ginger is my favorite - I make sure to have ginger in my kitchen and when I travel, always - and for very godd reasons. Besides ginger being a delicious spice/herb it’s also used as a natural medicine. Ginger increases our digestive fire which warms our belly to assist in digestion with ease, and stimulates our appetite and detoxifies so our bellies aren’t bloated after eating. Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, too - leaving our gut happy! I can go on and on about the power of ginger root. I literally brought ginger into my delivery rooms when giving birth just incase I got nauseous. Yup, it happened and it worked! Chewing on ginger - the best kept secret!

This recipe. is super easy and quick to create. It makes a gorgeous side dish for any protein at lunch and/or dinner - even breakfast - ya, you can eat veggies upon waking for the day, too. Trust me, I’ve had soup for breakfast! The best warming feeling on a cold day!

The white part of the stalk can also be used in this recipe - I prefer to hold off and safe the white part for another vegetabele saute or used as an onion substitute. Cooks choice!

Mise En Place

5-10 (depending how big or small) bok choy green leaves from their stalks
1 tsp sesame or coconut oil
1 tsp ginger root - finely grated
1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
sesame seeds to top on bok choy- optional - roast in a pan

- chop the bok choy leaves in fine long strips
- heat the oil on medium heat, add the grated ginger, cook for 1 minute
- transfer bok choy into the pan, add lemon juice, salt. and black pepper, cook for about 3 minutes - until the bok choy wilts and turns bright green
- sprinkle sesame seeds on top - you can pan roast the seeds to bring out their flavor

Genia’s Spoon Me Tips:
If you plan to succeed with eating your greens - my suggestion is to shop early in the week - choose a few cruciferous veggies to have in your fridge ready to whip up as a side dish to enjoy a few times a week. Out of sight is out of mind! Make those greens visible!

Green love with a sprinkle of seeds,


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