Hamantashen Torte Cookies

Genia’a. earthy crunchy hamantashen made with joy and victory

Happy Purim!

Traditionally on the holiday of Purim we eat cookies called hamantashen. - three cornered pastries. Aren’t all holidays connected to some kind of symbolic food. So what’s the story. - literally! The story of of Purim as we call it The Story of Esther. But, let’s focus on the story of the hamantashen - this is a food blog, isn’t it?!

Hamantashen are absolutely delicious. Depending. on the brand or bakery the doughs and filling differ. My favorite is the raspberry and poppy seed fillings with a gentle doughy crunch. The poppy seeds are probably the most popular as they represent the manna - a blessing of food from above while the Jews were journeying through the desert. Queen Esther and the people at the time ate seeds and beans since all the other food was unkosher - a.k.a why we use poppy seeds as our filling.

These cookies/pastries are laden with symbolism. Here’s another doozy: Tash as in hamanTASHen in Hebrew means weaken - on Purim we are celebrating the weakening of Haman (or any enemy for that matter that tries to conquer and destroy - hmmm) - and our wish that G-D always save us by weakening our enemies. Some are crunchier and some are crummy. Haman-tashen means Haman and pockets of poppy seeds and jams of all sorts - I’ve seen some creative hamentashen out there and my version is one ‘healthy’ hametashen with a creative twist. The ingredients reveals earthy, crunchy, super simple and my kind of Purim fun food. Mind you - this recipe can be shaped anyway and eaten anytime. They’re my fave with a cup of tea. Another interesting Purim trivia - you never know when you’ll be asked at a party!!! - There is an old legend that Haman wore a three cornered hat - a.k.a the shape of the hamantashen. The intention is be reminded of the weakening of the enemy! YES!!!

I can go on and on as the Torah and Talmud has so many insightful teachings of all we experience on each holiday.

Dry Ingredients

Wet Ingredients

Flatten the cookie dough with your palms before you shape into triangles

shape in triangles and imprint for filling

Dry Ingredients

2 cups oats - grounded into a flour - I use a gluten free flour by Bob’s Mill
1 cup hemp, pumkin seeds or almonds ground up
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt

Wet Ingredients
1/2 cup oil - coconut, avocado, grapessed
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla
optional: 1/4 tsp almond extract

4 oz of jam, poppy seeds, chocolate chips

- preheat oven to. 375 degrees
- combine dry ingredients in one bowl
- combine wet ingredients in a second bowl
- add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix well
- roll dough in the palms of your hands (dampen hands with water) - shape into balls the size of walnuts. Place on parchment paper lined cookie sheet.
- using the flat of your palm flatten cookies and shape into triangles as they rest on the cookie tray
- with your thumb make a well or imprint in the center to fill with your choice of jam, poppy seeds and/or chocolate chips. Go crazy! This is Purim - a fun and kooky holiday to let your guards down and celebrate towards victory. Dress up time!
- bake for 18-20 minutes

Genia’s Spoon Me Tips:
This recipe is a winner - simple and nutritious, too. I make these cookies all year round in the shape of circles. On Purim we we honor the triangle shape. Get creative!

Wishing you and the world around us joy and victory,
Much love and peace, Genia


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