Spring Tips: Diet, Yoga, Breath

One of the teachings that inspired me on my yoga journey was and will always be the Science of Ayurveda - named the sister-science of yoga- which is the oldest system of medicine based on the idea of balance in your body using diet, herbs, yoga and breathing to heal and set yourself up for a healthy lifestyle.

In Ayurveda we honor the seasons and, therefore, our food, rituals, and energy change - baby steps… In the Spring we think of butterflies, opposed to bears hibernating in their caves - the bears do come out of their slumber at this time, although, slow and heavy - keeping it simple and steady… Teachable moment as the spring season is about keeping things simple. It’s time to get out, catch some sun rays, evolve just like the flowers grow towards the sun. We get lighter, feel lighter, eat lighter - get my drift! And than there’s the yoga physical practice (Hatha) and Breathwork (pranayama) that complement each other - but the ‘diet’ is a huge part of the balancing act to help you shift to a lighter you - think butterfly!

The most important way to ensure a healthy digestive fire - no bloating, constipation, gas, etc - is to eat and not eat at regular intervals during the day. Having routine meals - 3 meals and 3-4 hours in between each meal strengthens your body and your mind. Take control!!! Eat light, easy to digest foods during the spring season. Eliminate dairy foods, ice cold drinks and food (e.g. ice-cream. I used to be obsessed with ice-cream - I could literally eat a whole container in a day - there’s a good reason why I’m in the health and wellness field - been there done that and now I live and speak my truth). Stay clear of fried and very oily foods. Oil is great but there’s a time and place to get oily.. When your plate is balanced: fats, proteins and carbs at every meal than it will be easier to let go of the snacking - although if you’re hungry miso soup and veggie juices are satiating and delicious. Carrot juice is a great choice! You can do this - willpower is empowering and will leave you with an improved gut - digestive fire - and tame the wild mind we all have - right?!

Another wonderful way to begin any season is a dietary cleanse. Coming. soon - April 4th ‘22 thousands of integrative practitioners, clients, and followers will be guided on a 7 day detox. We do this with our health community 4 times a year at the beginning of every season. It takes our toxic flushing a step further. You can cleanse on your own, as well - ONLY eating vegetables, low sugar fruit, lean proteins and eat timely: morning, afternoon, early evening -maybe a shake in between lunch and dinner, and stop eating after dinner (had to work on that) until breakfast the next morning - referred to as intermittent fasting - that’s for another blog. Enjoy some teas: cinnamon, black pepper, ginger root - after your meals - it’s great for digesting your food. Chamomile tea is wonderful at night as it helps with digestion, circulation, and removes excess mucous.

Bottom line is to enjoy this beautiful season of Spring. Please don’t think you have to do it all and/or all at once. Keep it simple! It’s a time of year to simplify our lives to feel lighter - a.ka. spring cleaning and decluttering. Turn into nature and create harmony with spring and that goes for all seasons. We do this through mindfulness and devotion - diet, yoga, breath, prayer and chanting. Look around to be inspired - walking meditation:, anyone?! Become present on your walks, notice the grass becoming greener, flowers popping out of the earth, shedding layers of clothing as the sun beams down on you sharing the gift of energy and healing, and have fun! As the world is going through a rebirth learn from nature and grow in your personal life, use this opportunity to transform - baby steps, keep it simple and enjoy!

Spring Tips review:

eat light, easy to digest foods
wait 3-4 hours between meals
eliminate dairy, icy drinks and food
fried foods
healthy snacks: miso soup, veggie juices, vegan shakes
seasonal 7 day detox - inspired by my teacher Dr. Cabral - Naturopath and Ayurveda inspired science based protocol - where the east meets west in medicine, health and wellness

Our spring season has inspired me to write this blog - but more so because I am presently in my bedroom out of the kitchen for the week quarantining - as you can imagine why. Thank G-D I am well, and doing my work to heal and feel optimal. Everything in this blog I practice myself and I am sharing asanas - yoga postures, breathing techniques -pranayama, and a few must haves that I am using during this period of recovery. Again, thank G-D I feel well - doing my diligence. It works!

The yoga poses below are some healing ways to relieve and reduce coughs, phlegm, anxiety and stress right in your own home. Namaste!

Alternate Nostril Breathing - sitting on a block in hero pose or you can choose to sit in easy pose (cross. legged) - loosens mucous, balances the lymphatic system, and brings oxygen into the brain and chest

Baby Cobra Pose - opens the chest and increases flexibility and strength in your spine

Bow Pose - opens chest - gaze is on the floor for less tension the neck

Down Dog - circulation, blood flow and oxygen to the upper body - opens your sinuses for easier breathing

Child’s Pose - come back to balance, surrender, relax

Modified Head Stand - a full head stand is optional if you feel you’re up to it - I’m not pushing myself this week -crown of the head is touching the ground. This posture sends oxygen to the head and relieves coughs and increases your circulation

Forward Fold - reduces stress and anxiety - relieves coughs due to colds, viruses, and brings blood flow to brain

Here are a bunch of concoctions that I use to prevent and treat a virus when I need to build my immunity. Resources: FLCCC Alliance : Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance

Much love, healing and gratitude always,


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