Roasted Veggie Quinoa Salad

Quinoa - make it your own by adding veggies, herbs, protein

Quinoa can be enjoyed on Passover - yay!!! It’s super popular on Passover, when mainstream grains are off limits. Quinoa on Passover has been a controversial topic of discussion in observant communities. Quinoa is a plant, not a grain (it’s part of the goosefoot - Chenopodiacea family related to spinach and beets - pretty cool - just learned that, too), and it grows in South America. It has a nutty flavor and it’s absolutely gorgeous to serve as a side dish, in soups, or a meal in and of itself with add veggies, tofu (no tofu on Pesach, though).

Is quinoa healthy? Or ya! One cup of quinoa contains over 8 grams of protein and a great source of magnesium, copper, iron (carries oxygen in the blood, supporting energy and cell function through out the body - yesss!), folate, and high in fiber.

Quinoa is not among the five grains we are familiar with: wheat, spelt, oats, barley, and rye which are prohibited on Passover by Jewish observance. The matzah we eat has these grains, although, they are unleavened - we make sure they do not rise.

Quinoa is gluten-free so quinoa is for everyone. Quinoa needs to be washed well as it may have creepy crawlies - all from nature but who wants to eat bugs - and bugs are not kosher, nor desirable in your food. Washing the quinoa well also removes the bitter taste from the saponins (the circles that form on each quinoa seed when they are cooked).

Genia’s Spoon Me Tips:
I’ve made plenty of quinoa that came out mushy, although, my goal and I’m sure yours, too, is to create a fluffy quinoa - looks and tastes more desirable. So, how can we cook quinoa to create the light and fluffy quinoa we all want: All you need is water and quinoa. Use 1 3/4 cup water for every cup of quinoa. If you use more water like a 2 cup ration to 1 cup quinoa it will be mushier. Trust me, I’ve done both!

You can serve the quinoa right after it’s fluffed with salt, pepper, freshly squeezed lemon and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, and any herbs and topics that suits your fancy.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a high quality oil. I use it as my cold oil for salads and to drizzle on already cooked foods. It has been researched that Extra Virgin Olive oil can be heated up to 400 degrees without it going rancid or loosing its integrity and value. This is new for me and I’m excited! EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) is a healthy oil - it’s rich in monounsaturated fats - called oleic acid. Benefits: lowering cholesterol, brain health, hormones from fat soluble antioxidants - great for the heart and lubricates your joints. Evoo is also packed with vitamin E - for a glow, and moisturized skin internally and externally.
Choose good quality extra virgin olive oil. They are not all made the same. Make sure it’s cold pressed oil. How can you tell if your evoo is good quality: smell it - it should have a nice aroma, purchase in a dark bottle, and if you put your evoo in the fridge it should get hard and cloudy. When buying evoo take all this into consideration.
Drizzle and enjoy!

Extra Virgin Olive oil - simple and profound - Drizzle, eat, enjoy and reap the benefits

Mise En Place - quinoa light and fluffy - roasting my veggies at 400 degrees - deets below…

zucchini or asparagus and red bell pepper roasts in oven for 10 minutes - red onions and sweet potatoes roasts in oven for 25 minutes

1 sweet potato - finely diced
1 red onion - finely chopped
4 asparagus or 2 zucchini - finely chopped
1 red bell pepper - finely cubed
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 cup quinoa - uncooked - wash well and drain in thinly meshed colander
1 and 3/4 cup water
1/4 tsp salt
freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
dash of black pepper


  • preheat oven to 400 degrees and prepare parchment paper on 2 baking sheets

  • spread asparagus or zucchini sweet potatoes and onion on one baking sheet and bell peppers on another if you need more space on the baking pans

  • drizzle 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil over all of the vegetables on baking sheets

  • roast asparagus or zucchini and peppers for 10 minutes and sweet potatoes and onions for 25 minutes - place them all in large bowl

  • in the meantime as the veggies are roasting in the oven, place quinoa, water, 1/4 tsp salt in a small sauce pan or small pot (you can add the salt during cooking the quinoa or when you make the dressing)

  • bring to a boil and reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes - yes, only 15 minutes does the charm

  • remove the pot for the heat and let sit, covered, for 10 minutes

  • remove the lid after 10 minutes and fluff with a fork

  • whisk the freshly squeezed lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, salt, and black pepper

  • add quinoa to vegetables in bowl and drizzle dressing over the top, mix all to combine

  • you can place in fridge and serve cold or room temperature

    Much Love, joy and good food always,


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